Thursday, July 14, 2005

cult or relgion

After reading a post by the beloved Narc. I decided that I know nothing about this religion so I looked it up...

Now don't get me wrong I'm all for peoples belifes..but shouldn't the advice that comes from a faith be free? This is my big hang up here. Everything that you would want to do to beter yourself costs money anywhere from $16 to $100*. Hell I'm Jewish but I know that all the christian people give you free bibles.

I couldn't find anything about the principals and stuff that is all over this site. If it was so good or you I would think that they woul doffer this advice to you for free or at least have something about what they stand for on the site.

I'mm not saying that they are good or bad, but all I seen f it so far is that in order to beter yourself as a person and move higher up into the org. you need to shellout more and more money...

And I think the fact they relie on testimonials of ALOT of people in Hollywood doesnt help much either...

Well, I have to pack up my knitting I have a doc appt. and I need something to do in the waiting room...


Anonymous said...

Religions is such a tricky thing to comment on. But I think when you have to pay for it then its probably not one a person wants to get into..Just like all those work at home scams..why would you want to pay to work..does that not ring a bell to everyone!. Personally I dont have a religion..nothing against them and to those that are under a religion more power to you.. But I prefer to say.. I dont have a religion..I have my own relationship with God...I believe in him, I trust in Him, I pray to Him...I love Him.. I believe He shall let me into heaven.

God Bless All

P.S...Hope your doctor's visit goes well..Knitting is the best way to pass the time in those waiting rooms.

D said...

Interesting view point on the "pay for advice", etc. issue. I'd have to agree, it does not settle well with me now as it didn't settle well with me 20 years ago when a very confused, upset and borderline suicidal friend of mine from high school went to them for help. They refused to until he turned over a certain percentage of his $$. At 18, he only had some money from a summer job but unfortunately told them about a $17 thousand accident settlement that had been put into a CD 6 months earler. Guess what they told him. Exactly, no help till $$ was paid. He did, they never really were of any help. I've never forgotten that...don't think I ever will. But, to each his own. Follow what you think is best for you.

Anonymous said...

"Follow what you think is best for you."
Now that's the best advice ever! The next thing to say, is that everyone knows what is best for them - they should learn to trust in themselves.

Grace said...

It's a double-super-secret club. You have to believe that it works before they'll tell you how it works. Drink the kool-aid...