Wednesday, July 20, 2005

To Frog or Not to Frog That is the Question

So after about a week of starting a scarf, frogging it, starting a new one, frogging it. I think I started one that I acaully like and hopefully the person I'm making it for will like also. I popped over to Celia's blog to see whats going on. And to my surprise she ad a list of peopel that are inmy knit only group with there blogs so i have been popping thru them today trying to figure out who has my name...This is my frist exchange and I'm rather enjoying it so far. I jsut hope ther person that gets the scarf I'm making likes it...*worries* I'd hate for her to put in alot of work on a nicce scarf to get something she doesnt like...

When Nick comes home I'm going to have him tak pics of it so you can see my progress...

and I finally made a button to link to my wishlist...WOOHOO

Goes back to knitting

1 comment:

CynCyn said...

The person you're making a scarf for is different than the person who's making you a scarf...

in any case, a hand made scarf that you don't have to make is always appreciated, isn't it?