these are mediums so they will be kinda big but they are still cute

And this is a youths large so it fits me in just the right places...

Then I also pick up some new plugs for my ears...cute don't you think?

And I bought Alanis's new acoustic vesion of Jagged Little Pill...LOVE IT!
Now to the rest of my post...
Yes I was verbaly queer bashed today by guys driving past Nick and I.
so we were walking to a store when these guys drove past yellng "FUCKING FAGGOTS!" So I turned and screamed "FUCK YOU!". After words they yelled something back and since I couldnt understand them I did the next best thing by grabbing my crotch and fliped them off again. At which point they were screaming about stopping the fucking car and again I yelled fuck you, flipped them off again, and shaked my ass into the store we were walking into.
I think I won...*puffs out chest"
I know I rock!
I ama 21 year old biracial gay army brat living in central takes ALOT more than pussy ass fuckers driving past me to scare me back into the closet...
I know what they NEEDED, jsut to bad theey wouldnt stop and get out of the car *wink*
How lame. Couldn't they come up with anything more original? LO-SERS!
You GO GURL!!!! I love that you've got huge brass balls and tell those biggots to eat shit. I'm so proud of you sticking up for yourself. The last time I looked at the calendar it was 2005, this "fucking faggot" bullshit is WAY old. Enough.
dang babe! i'm glad u stuck up for yourself, but i also want u to think about your safety... central of any state can get scary with the redneck assholes.
Ok..let see ..first I'm LOVIN the shirts I want a wonka shirt!!!I seen the tootsie roll owl shirt that say "How many licks does it take?" hehehe i like that one alot as well..
Im upset that pricks out there harrassed you.. But soooo *high fiving* for standing up for yourself..So many people out there are just cowards and afraid of change.. Come on people its time to leave the past behind and embark on a new future.. my child is interracial so its been hard for me to explain things to my 8year old but he is understanding things much better than an adult that is bias.
hehe hey princess remind me to tell you about the discussion I had with my mom about rainbows. i bought me a gemstone rainbow ring for my bday..hehehe you'll laugh your ass off.
talk to you soon!!
Oh I forgot to say
"Gay means Happy" what does that mean to all those people running around with sticks up their asses
Love the shirts! I saw that Wonka one a few weeks ago, but I got a different one. :) Proud of you for sticking up for yourself after those rednecks. Some people are just so ignorant!
Oh and about Namu.. I kinda like him! I've ordered my first one, so we'll see how he is in person, but wolf has such pretty eyes! :)
You just be careful darlin'...
my current favorite shirt is "WWJD for a Klondike Bar?"
good job
i would of totally shot them
i get pissed easly
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