My hair changes a lot, and I'm happy with that. I'm getting really tired of people telling me that I should go back to by natural black haair...or that my hair is to fucked up...ok first of all my natural hair IS NOT BLACK he a mix of brown and red, thanks to my VERY irish mother! so please leave the color of my hair alone..
Second its MY hair not yours, if I want to shave it off and leave chunks that make me look like a cancer patient then SO BE IT...

I like the white do with the black spots....oh wait a minute that's not you.
LOL ;-)
I spent too many years as a hairdresser so I changed my hair like I changed my socks. It's fun.
I'm all for doing what you will to your own hair.. heck having a mother that is a hair stylist I am constantly changing my hair color..even my son has already had red hair and blonde hair.. Have fun expressing yourself!!!
I *heart* your hair!!! Actually, that's why I wanted to be your friend. Clearly, I change my hairstyle a lot as well. :) *high five!*
Oh, no, baby, don't go back to black! I *love* your pink hair (and I'm a middle-aged schoolteacher, so I know, right?) As I tell the parents of my students, "It's only hair. It will grow out!" I dyed my hair pink last summer (yes, I really am 50!) when both my sisters got cancer. I said "I am not willing to get cancer to show my solidarity with my sisters, but I *will* dye my hair pink!" It was great fun!
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