Its the Wing of the moth scarf that came with my shawl pattern I'm doing. I needed to take a lil break from the shawl and do a quik project so I cansted on the scarf with a spare ball of Noro I had. I think it turned out GREAT dont you?
I have another ball somewhere so I think I might make another one HEHEHE....too cute I know!
Other than that I have just been working and plugging away for this bike ride...and of course knitting...
Omg I almost forgot...speaking of knitting guess how scored a job at his LYS....OH YEA...how happy am I *dances around naked* Its 6 bucks an hour paid in yarn... So that's not bad. God knows when I'm not at H&M I'm Down Town knitting anyway, why not knit and get yarn while I do it LOL
If anyone has heard of the Subversive Lace its coming to Indianapolis! I'm going to be working it some of the days its here...couldt you just poop! I'm going to be working the opening. they want us to be knitting something vintage, like wartime knitting... So i think im going to see if I cant find a few vintage wartime sock patterns...
YAY for fun knitting news!
Ohhh it's gorgeous!! All of the color! And you are working at your LYS?! How awesome is that.
Shawl turned out gorgeous!!! Just think I still havent knitted a shawl but I just might after seeing all your beautiful work..
Great job on the job *lol*
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