I been sober for 2 weeks. Every day it gets harder esp. when people keep giving me my fix. I open my mail and I find things crammed in the the far corners, I go meet up for coffee and I have people dropping baggies into my carry all...I find people selling it for far below street price...
That's right I'm a Yarn-A-Holic...
I have recieved over 20 balls of yarn, and I'm slowly trying to figure out things to do with it.
So far I cant wait to cast on for a pair of socks for DH...
How great is this Memories in Redwood Forrest from KnitPicks

and I got a lovely skien from Charles of his own dyeing called Forest Light. This is going to become something fo me...

I also have a few new balls of Opal *I love this stuff* and Genius...can we say felted bag!
Th eother things I'm wotkin gon I cant realy post pics of becasue the are gifts for some friends of mine. Mr. Stiles and Mr. Gentry to be exact but I can tell you that these to sexy bitchs are going to LOVE what they are getting!
So I bought read and LOVED Knitting Rules. Everyone should get this book it was jsut as funny to read as it gave goo dadvice about that boring scarf you been working on.
Well It's 5 am and I'm 'goin gto curl up and watching the rest of Diary of a Mad Black Woman.
So, who's this Charles with handdyed yarn? Where's mine?
Oh, nevermind, it's probably off with your PJ pants. ;)
Wow, Charles yarn is gorgeous!! Well glad you won't run out of yarn anytime soon! :) I love Knitting Rules too!! Actually, the red/black socks I am making are from the pattern!
Can't wait to see what you make!
I never knew what the hype was about socks until I turned the heel on one and was amazed at the construction of it.. You have some wonderful yarn to work with.. Can't wait to see them done.. Ü
yummy yarn!!! charles is awesome!!! i can't w8 to see what u make:-)
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