I was wondering this for months now and I was scared to do it casue I didn't want to waste my yarn that Plumpy and my S.P sent me last round. I was wondering if I could overdye my oatmeal woolpak...I was scared it would turn to mud. So I found my slippers I made a few months ago and decided to use those are my swatch for the dye and here are my results...


It didn't turn into mud! Here is a better shot of the before and after...

I think it came out a nice shade of red don't you...
And its amazing how you can forget something even when you are staring at the envelope it was shipped in. I put an order in 5 weeks ago for some labels and I forgot about them. They came in yesterday and I was like "what?" they said "CASH'S LABEL'S" shipped from the UK and you better believe I had no idea what they were till I opened them...How cute are these?

I'm so excited about them and they weren't that bad it was a grand total of $25 for a 144 of these little buggers mailed from the UK. I'm on a knitting spree so I can sew these on!
I was asked to make something for a benefit going on in a few weeks and I thought that these came just in time to sew these on to some things that are going to be auctioned off to raise money for Juvenile Diabetes...
This is why I love checking my mail i get so much fun stuff in it...
And for those that want to send me something for my bday that is just this Saturday...you can send stuff to
Krys Dixon
905 Oak Meadows
North Vernon Indiana 47265
I'll be happy with just a card *wink* I'mm turning 22...But people are guessing I'm turning 21 so who am I to correct them right.
Well I'm going to hit that sak. Night babes....*big wet kisses*
Those label's are cute! So now you gotta sew them in.. That would be my problem I can't sew.. I have to make KnitDiva sew my stuff *lol*.. And the red dye turned out great woolpak tends to soak that dye in..if you try light/pale colors it wont show and will turn muddy maybe neon colors might show hmm will have to experiment.. and happy early birthday hun!! best wishes
Happy birthday early! Yours is the day after mine!
Now that is just damn classy! I sign all of my jewelry and masks with a siggy I made. It gives your work the energy of something that you loved and cared for whilst creating it.
p.s. happy birthday honey bunnie
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