So I was out today looking for stuff to add to my knitting corner and I rememebered I needed some larger needles, so I walked over looking for 17+ sizes and I couldnt find any, then Nick asked if these were what I was looking for and pointed over at the discount isle, sure enough I found size 17, 19, 35, and 50 all for 4 bucks each, then I was in good will and they had 25 target cotton yarn knitting kits, I bought 3 of them so I could have new yarn LOL. Then I was in the dollar store and they had some 12 quart pots for 5 bucks , I pick one of those up for dyeing
I think I did pretty damn good today LOL
Plus I have been balling my unlabled yarn in my stash to orginize it all, and put all my like yarns together...
I been a pretty busy knitter!
OMG, I forgot I sold a scarf for 60 bucks GO ME!
~Pic Updates!~
my slippers. your thoughts?

I think I want to make another pair and felt them...or a pair of clogs...Jon! I need your clog pattern LOL
they turned out great!!..i still have to do mine..maybe tonight..
Hi there!
I got the scarf you made me! Thanks so much! I just posted pictures on my blog.
Great slippers! And do tell more about your scarf sale! That's great!
wow... you got paid to knit!! the clog pattern is Fibertrends, i believe... sold at most LYS for about $4 or so. I love mine and am planning on making many more, but be forewarned. Once you make a pair for yourself, your friends and family will beg and plead for a pair for themselves.
Totally dig the slippers! Awesome job kiddo. And've been finding some awesome deals at the stores.
Nice! I like those a lot - they look very comfortable.
Those are nice slippers, did you put a liner in them?
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