I'm going camping this weekend so I need to figure out what I want to work on..hmmm...idea anyone?
Slytherin slippers maybe?
Hmm...I'll figure something you.
Friday, September 30, 2005
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Pixie Hat
Well I finished my freinds hat that I started AND finished tonight...I think it turned out rather cute don't you? My next project is going to be at GREAT Quiditch sweater you can see at CastaSpell. But it will be in Slytherin colors of dark Green and Silver. My first sweater so wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Who wants to join?
For all those Harry potter knitting heads ot there I thought I would make a knit-along site. I want to make something for the new movie in november...and I fiure I woul be mor elikly to do it if I had people makng stuff with me...So if you are a potter freak like me please hit me up *wink*
My new model came in today..what do you think of him?

Pretty cute huh...
My new model came in today..what do you think of him?

Monday, September 26, 2005
Nicks Slippers
Even tho he ruined my scarf I still finished my slippers i was making for him...He likes brown and light blue so i made these...your thoughts...
Slipper pic 1
Slipper pic 2
I couldnt get my pics to post so I had to link them...
Slipper pic 1
Slipper pic 2
I couldnt get my pics to post so I had to link them...
Saturday, September 24, 2005
It's Ruined
So I'm having a few bad days, people are setting me up at work for sh*t I didn't do, own truck's battery died last night, nick forgot to pick me up tonight, and to add insult to injury I get home and tell him that I need to run to the post office tomorrow and mail l out some scarfs some people bought from me. And he was like OH YEA that blue fuzzy scarf is ruined I didn't see that you hung it up on the chandler * where I hang ALL of my scarfs, and he KNOWS this* and I turned it on and burned it...
ok first off he knows for a FACT I hang them up there, its not like you CANT SEE THEM, secondly if a scarf was on a light bulb would you be able to tell because the lack of light? And secondly he is blaming me cause I hung it up there, when I have been doing thins for MONTHS it keeps them out of the way and adds some decorativeness to the room...And for months now he takes them down if they get in the way...
I'm so mad right now...
I'm back after some tears were shed..*seriously*
here is why I'm so upset. I sold this scarf on eBay and all the profit that I had on it is now gone, not only that I have to drive 30 min to get more yarn for it, and on top of which this was my FIRST EVER eBay sell. I was sooo proud of it, I felt like people actually wanted my stuff and now its ruined...
ok first off he knows for a FACT I hang them up there, its not like you CANT SEE THEM, secondly if a scarf was on a light bulb would you be able to tell because the lack of light? And secondly he is blaming me cause I hung it up there, when I have been doing thins for MONTHS it keeps them out of the way and adds some decorativeness to the room...And for months now he takes them down if they get in the way...
I'm so mad right now...
I'm back after some tears were shed..*seriously*
here is why I'm so upset. I sold this scarf on eBay and all the profit that I had on it is now gone, not only that I have to drive 30 min to get more yarn for it, and on top of which this was my FIRST EVER eBay sell. I was sooo proud of it, I felt like people actually wanted my stuff and now its ruined...
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Fat Rat
I know I promised piccies but I have been busy with shopping for my S.P and myself...I will post pics after I finish my slippers I'm making. That's right I'm making slippers! I made a pair the other day butsent them to a freind now I'm making myself a pair with gray wool pak...I have one done so far. It's SOOO cozy! And I talked into PlumpKnitter making a pair also last night LOL. They are REALLY easy to make and fun. I bought some botton to go on mine casue i made teh cuse a bit higher again REALLY CUTE, I'll take pics when I'm done with them...
So I was out today looking for stuff to add to my knitting corner and I rememebered I needed some larger needles, so I walked over looking for 17+ sizes and I couldnt find any, then Nick asked if these were what I was looking for and pointed over at the discount isle, sure enough I found size 17, 19, 35, and 50 all for 4 bucks each, then I was in good will and they had 25 target cotton yarn knitting kits, I bought 3 of them so I could have new yarn LOL. Then I was in the dollar store and they had some 12 quart pots for 5 bucks , I pick one of those up for dyeing
I think I did pretty damn good today LOL
Plus I have been balling my unlabled yarn in my stash to orginize it all, and put all my like yarns together...
I been a pretty busy knitter!
OMG, I forgot I sold a scarf for 60 bucks GO ME!
~Pic Updates!~
my slippers. your thoughts?

I think I want to make another pair and felt them...or a pair of clogs...Jon! I need your clog pattern LOL
So I was out today looking for stuff to add to my knitting corner and I rememebered I needed some larger needles, so I walked over looking for 17+ sizes and I couldnt find any, then Nick asked if these were what I was looking for and pointed over at the discount isle, sure enough I found size 17, 19, 35, and 50 all for 4 bucks each, then I was in good will and they had 25 target cotton yarn knitting kits, I bought 3 of them so I could have new yarn LOL. Then I was in the dollar store and they had some 12 quart pots for 5 bucks , I pick one of those up for dyeing
I think I did pretty damn good today LOL
Plus I have been balling my unlabled yarn in my stash to orginize it all, and put all my like yarns together...
I been a pretty busy knitter!
OMG, I forgot I sold a scarf for 60 bucks GO ME!
~Pic Updates!~
my slippers. your thoughts?

I think I want to make another pair and felt them...or a pair of clogs...Jon! I need your clog pattern LOL
Friday, September 16, 2005
I AM a Redneck Woman!
WOOHOO I got my new scarf today from the exchange...its SOOO pics in tomorrow post!
I think that if you live in Indiana no matter how smart of educated are you have some redneck in you. And in honor of all us Rednecks I am playing this song! Here is the vid to all of those that want to see it...
file://localhost/private/tmp/501/Cleanup At Startup/GWilson_RedneckWomanVidFull.ram
Well I ain't never
Been the barbie doll type
No I can't swig that sweet champagne
I'd rather drink beer all night
In a tavern or in a honky tonk
Or on a 4 wheel drive tailgate
I've got posters on my wall of Skynard, Kid and Strait
Some people look down on me
But I don't give a rip
I'll stand barefooted in my own front yard with a baby on my hip
Cause I'm a redneck woman
And I ain't no high class broad
I'm just a product of my raisin'
And I say "hey y'all" and "Yee Haw"
And I keep my Christmas lights on, on my front porch all year long
And I know all the words to every Charlie Daniels song
So here's to all my sisters out there keepin' it country
Let me get a big "Hell Yeah" from the redneck girls like me
Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah
Victoria's Secret
Well their stuff's real nice
Oh but I can buy the same damn thing on a Wal*Mart shelf half price
And still look sexy
Just as sexy
As those models on TV
No I don't need no designer tag to make my man want me
You might think I'm trashy
A little too hard core
But get in my neck of the woods
I'm just the girl next door
Hey I'm redneck woman
And I ain't no high class broad
I'm just a product of my raisin'
And I say "hey y'all" and "Yee Haw"
And I keep my Christmas lights on, on my front porch all year long
And I know all the words to every Tanya Tucker song
So here's to all my sisters out there keeping it country
Let me get a big "Hell Yeah" from the redneck girls like me
Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah
I'm redneck woman
And I ain't no high class broad
I'm just a product of my raisin'
And I say "hey y'all" and "Yee Haw"
And I keep my Christmas lights on, on my front porch all year long
And I know all the words to every Ol' Bocephus song
So here's to all my sisters out there keeping it country
Let me get a big "Hell Yeah" from the redneck girls like me
Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah
I Said Hell Yeah
I think that if you live in Indiana no matter how smart of educated are you have some redneck in you. And in honor of all us Rednecks I am playing this song! Here is the vid to all of those that want to see it...
file://localhost/private/tmp/501/Cleanup At Startup/GWilson_RedneckWomanVidFull.ram
Well I ain't never
Been the barbie doll type
No I can't swig that sweet champagne
I'd rather drink beer all night
In a tavern or in a honky tonk
Or on a 4 wheel drive tailgate
I've got posters on my wall of Skynard, Kid and Strait
Some people look down on me
But I don't give a rip
I'll stand barefooted in my own front yard with a baby on my hip
Cause I'm a redneck woman
And I ain't no high class broad
I'm just a product of my raisin'
And I say "hey y'all" and "Yee Haw"
And I keep my Christmas lights on, on my front porch all year long
And I know all the words to every Charlie Daniels song
So here's to all my sisters out there keepin' it country
Let me get a big "Hell Yeah" from the redneck girls like me
Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah
Victoria's Secret
Well their stuff's real nice
Oh but I can buy the same damn thing on a Wal*Mart shelf half price
And still look sexy
Just as sexy
As those models on TV
No I don't need no designer tag to make my man want me
You might think I'm trashy
A little too hard core
But get in my neck of the woods
I'm just the girl next door
Hey I'm redneck woman
And I ain't no high class broad
I'm just a product of my raisin'
And I say "hey y'all" and "Yee Haw"
And I keep my Christmas lights on, on my front porch all year long
And I know all the words to every Tanya Tucker song
So here's to all my sisters out there keeping it country
Let me get a big "Hell Yeah" from the redneck girls like me
Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah
I'm redneck woman
And I ain't no high class broad
I'm just a product of my raisin'
And I say "hey y'all" and "Yee Haw"
And I keep my Christmas lights on, on my front porch all year long
And I know all the words to every Ol' Bocephus song
So here's to all my sisters out there keeping it country
Let me get a big "Hell Yeah" from the redneck girls like me
Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah
Hell Yeah
I Said Hell Yeah
My new dyeing/felting project
So I broke out the woll that my FAV SP EVER sent me and I'mm starting a new project with it...I wont say what it is now, I want it to be a surprise. But I can tell you this is going to be a felting and dying job...DOUBLE TROUBLE! LOL
Wish me luck!
Wish me luck!
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
A new FO
So I have new scarf I made to sell for a freind of mine in London. I find it really cute, its made out of recylced silk...I asked for Autumnal colors and I make this with what I got...Thoughts?

On that note I HAVE to get out of the whole scarf knitting thing i need a new fun project, yet something that keeps my attention...any ideas?
So I talked PlumpKnitter into reading Memoirs of a Geisha, needless to say she loves the book now too. See Peopel need to listen to me when I recomend books LOL. If you havnt read it I suggesdt you go pick up a copy and read it...NOW.....

On that note I HAVE to get out of the whole scarf knitting thing i need a new fun project, yet something that keeps my attention...any ideas?
So I talked PlumpKnitter into reading Memoirs of a Geisha, needless to say she loves the book now too. See Peopel need to listen to me when I recomend books LOL. If you havnt read it I suggesdt you go pick up a copy and read it...NOW.....
Saturday, September 10, 2005
So got my first SP Package yesteraday. she said that she got my name while she was in Japan and listed as one of the places I want to travel to WAS Japan, she made it the theme to my package, I got some new wool, geisha style socks, books on dyeing, and some other REALLY cute stuff!
Then today my freind Wendy, you can see her at PlumpKnitter, sent me a little package also containing a few more things of wool, ALOT of blue Mohair, and alot of fun yarn as well as a new knitting book and a fun wig HEHE...
Then I got my new ball winder today in the mail *happy dance* So I have been balling up all the loose blls I have laying around my apartment. So I have had ALOT of fun mail these past few morings...
Then today my freind Wendy, you can see her at PlumpKnitter, sent me a little package also containing a few more things of wool, ALOT of blue Mohair, and alot of fun yarn as well as a new knitting book and a fun wig HEHE...
Then I got my new ball winder today in the mail *happy dance* So I have been balling up all the loose blls I have laying around my apartment. So I have had ALOT of fun mail these past few morings...
Tuesday, September 6, 2005
My new pets
So I decied that I wanted a few mroe cuddle things so I picked these guys up...what do you think of them? If you take your mouse around them they play with i hehehe
adopt your own virtual pet! |
Saturday, September 3, 2005
tattoos and camping
After looking thru blogs I found that alot of knitters have tattoos so I thought I would show off mine...
My pet Dragon...isnt he cute *giggle*
My lil' froggie

Got to love Drama Masks

You always remember your first time
Ring around the Ankle

To Give Love

yes "the" means somthing check out Shelley Jackson's site

Ra who?

My lil' froggie

Got to love Drama Masks

You always remember your first time

To Give Love

yes "the" means somthing check out Shelley Jackson's site

Ra who?

So yea I have some body art to me LOL. I got home today and decided that this camping trip is going to be a knittign retreat for myself. I am takng two projects I need to finish and I was thinking about taking some of this new raw wool I got and dying it...I think it could do it over the fire in a nice size pot but Im not sure what do you guys think??? I need soemthing to do becasue I found out that the place we booked to go camping not only is a gay male resort, but is also clothign optional LOL so I think I should bring somethign to do incase I don't like the scenery LOL
And ound a new toy that I HAVE to have! I seen tehse before but I had no iea what they were called till jsut today...but its a diabolo. you juggle them on a sting...have you seen these?
mmmmm....I must collect the whole set....lol
And ound a new toy that I HAVE to have! I seen tehse before but I had no iea what they were called till jsut today...but its a diabolo. you juggle them on a sting...have you seen these?
mmmmm....I must collect the whole set....lol
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