Mr. Mike Brazell is a freind of mine that works for PETA and if you ask me a pretty good looking guy. *hmm maybe its becasue its all the veggie he eats...*
So after talking to him I decided that I MUST do the make out tour when he gets back to indy with him...
Anything to help hose poor animlas and if I have to make out with Mike to do it then I guess I will have to grin and bare it...
*applies lip gloss and starts pucking up*
did I mention he's a body builder?

isnt he cute in his little cow costume?

what a dear you are to sacrifice (snort) for your cause! he's a total cutie!
Who's the long haired blonde cutie with him!! Mmmm
Oh, the things we have to do for all the right causes!!
(he's right of course about vegetarians being better lovers... hehe)
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