WE were driving and between a mixture of rain, Joses Meds, and it being dark, we slammed hard into the back of a parked car going around 25 miles per hour. I suffered side, chest, back, and leg pain. Jose was just ruffled a bit, and Mercy had stomach and breat pain. Most of your injuries were from the seat belt snapping up back.
The poilice, fire dept, and ambulances showed up on the scene rather quickly. they pulled me and Mercy out of the car. Placed us on back boards and took all of us to UCSF.
After being strapped down on those damn boards for 3 hours I was finally put in a real bed were I was taken for X-rays. Nothing is broken, It's just muscle pain from my body being thrown around.
After 5 hours in the hospital I was able to leave with mercy. Our Scripts in hand and our way to buy a bottle of wine to relax. Now for the next week I'm popping Hydrocodin and Ibuprofen when I wake up and when it starts to act up during the day...and he also game me a anti-anxiety incase I cant sleep...
But on a lighter not... Mercy and I did get new bling!

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