Sunday, September 20, 2009

Excitment Has Bled Into Freaking Out

Okay so I quit qork and am ready to go back to school...

I was Ubber xcited about this change in events becasue I was ready for a change...But now all that excitment has bled into "OMG WHAT AM I DOING?!?!?!"

Change is something that has to happen but its also something that is a bit scary even when you want it too happen.

I'm getting alot of positive comments about going going. And I know its something that when I get started I'm going to love...but its that waiting to start that gets me.

I had the same feeling when I decided to sign up for Aids Lifecycle that first year...then I ran across a post on the ALC message board and it kinda calmed me down a bit:

You are not alone in your angst. Fear? It is just the element of emotion most commonly encountered. Working your way through it is part of the whole journey. Just start now, and know you will never be alone...

I think I can apply that to this...

Change happens if we want it to or not...we just have to go head on into it and see what happens on the other side...

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