Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Weather

If I get another email/text/phone call from people at home telling me how lucky I am to be in such a warm place like california I'm going to scream...

Yes California is a BEAUTIFUL state...and yes parts of it is 85+ all year long....

This is not true of San of right now it is 41 degrees...and HELLA windy.

The sky is a clear blue and the sun is going to be bright as anythin gbut its going to be colder than shit outside....

and its going to stay like this untill we hit our summer which is in October...and will last till the end of November...where it goes back to fall/winter again

I am currently wearing 2 pairs of socks and a sweater under my Commes de Garcon jacket....

Why do I love this city...because I can knit all year round...a sweater is always a needed item around this city ;-)

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