I just signed up for TerraCycle and they are doing this recycling program where if you collect wrappers cliff, luna, powerbar, or natural valley they will donate .02 cents to your favorite charity...well you beter belive i signed up to raise money for the ALC...so if ANYONE eats these will you PLEASE send me your wrappers...
hit me up at theimpossibleprincess AT gmail DOT com if you would like to help me ;-)
But anyway on the knitting front. I have almost finished Icarus from 2006 Summer Enterweave...I'm on the last chart. But let me tell you kntiting 400+ stitches is killing me, on top of which you increase 4 stites on each RS row...*bleh* but its looking GREAT so far, let me find a pic of my yarn!

Its Cherry Tree Hill "Blues and Purples". I never used this before andI like it alot, so far its taking 2.5 balls...
And then if I dont have enough to knit i spoke up and took a project to knit up for a store sample for my LYS. I'm casting on the Lotus Blossum Tank from the same issue. So I guess its nice casue I get free yarn to knit it up with right LOL
oh well...Just keep knitting right?
I do Cliff bars, the banana nut bread one is excellent.
I'll send wrappers, is there a deadline?
Good meeting you at knitting class tonight. I *shock* actually remembered to visit your blog! :) Good luck with the shawl!
I'll save my luna bar wrappers for you. Don't you love the cherry tree hill supersock? It's my fave commercial sock yarn.
I'm sorry I don't have power bars, but I tag linked you for power of 7. I love the blue/purple yarn, It must be going around, My friend Sally and I are going through a purpley blue stint too.
I like your blog, it looks to me like you could ad should have a website to sell your products/ideas.
I work for a company caled Three Duck Media in Phoenix AZ if you are interested in having a profesional site developed I think we could put something together that would help you promote your vision better than this blog, you have some great content- very marketable!
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