So i splurged and bought some egg dye...
ok it was more than a splurge i went to 3 places to find some finally ending at the Dollar Store where I bought them ount * 34 boxes to be percise* and now I have a nice collecetion of egg dyes to use this coming year with future projects...

After trying walmart, Jay C, and GoodWill I fianlly grabbed soem at the Dollar Store for 50 cents apeice...and no to mention having some pretty strange looks from other patrorns and the check out clerk. She gave in and asked what Iw as doing with all of them and I wanted to say something like "I'm building a bomb t pain this place pretty pastels..." But I stuck with "Yarn dying".
I think my first thought woul dhave been beter.
I'm wondering what all i can find on ebay...
*wonders off*