First off I seen Harry Potter last night and it RAWKED just like i knew it was going to...It was soo funny. I wasn't excpecting it to be so funny. Then ther was a scene of harry in the bathtub trying to figure out his second clue. I have to say that i was kinda turned on by hin naked in a tub...and I guess so was Moaning Murtal ...LOL...
If you havnt seen it yet then i say GO NOW! if only for the bathtub scene!

Now I got bored today and i dyed some more yarn. Its my first time dying with two colors, I think it turned out rather nice don't you. I want to try some more color comonations but I'm not sure yet. I'm open for ideas...I'm thinking cherry red and grape...Bt I'm not sure yet...
So has anyone seen the new
Knit.1 yet? This issue is of cute boys that knit! not only are there cute boys in it but also a VERY sexy ceterfold of a VERY hot boy I would love to knit a few rows with...PICK THIS UP! trust me its worth it...
Hmmm...lets see If I can't find something cute and fun to make with my new yarn...
*starts going thru his knitting books*
Didnt you just love Harry Potter!!! I was loving the bathroom scene as well..I couldnt stop laughing over Moaning Murtle and so many other funny scenes..
As for Knit.1 I sooooo bought that as soon as it hit the stands.. i already pulled out the poster boy laying on his side with jeans and nothing else on knitting.. ohhhrahhh talk about a hot time with yarn. *winks*
Love your yarn as well..great color combo.. I think you so go for a three color combo next.. Orange, Raspberry, Blue, all mixed in hehehe
missing you!!
We're going to see HP on Thursday after stuffing ourselves with turkey. DD LOVES Daniel Radcliffe!
Your yarn is gorgeous. I can't wait to see what you make with it and what other color combos you come up with for future skeins of yarn.
what yarn did you dye? (or rather, from where did you get it?). i saw the movie thurs night, and it was worth the extreme tiredness the next day (got home at 330am). And how funny about the knit.1 i just bought it at the store JUST NOW. I want a knitting dude too!
Wow.. festive or what! Very nice and I bet you're going to have a ball knitting it up.
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